No Fungus Umung Us!
Why it was Created: A client was referred to us for a salve to treat a dermal infection due to cacti spores. Turns out Cacit are covered in fungs. The treatment was two fold. Fishers Salve to reduce inflammation and fight bacterial issues and No Fungus Umung Us to treat any fungal issues.
No Fungus Umung US! worked so good I tried it on a toenail fungus that I had for over 5 years! Ok, I know, a pedicure gone real bad! I had a pedicure on vacation (company name will be withheld) my cuticle was clipped and fungus infected the nail bed of my middle toe. It was stubborn and wouldn’t go away. I had tried products to heal my toe for over 5 years. After a week of using No Fungus Umung Us, the fungal infection disappeared and my nail bed was healing. After 2 weeks treatments, my toe was back to normal Wow!
The plants & essential oils used are known by elders for their Anti-fungal, Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Viral, Anti-Inflammatory qualities. People have used No Fungus Umung us for Athletes foot, Jock Itch and to infections. While we can share stories of how plant based salves have helped people, we can not claim healing, nor prescribe salves for use. Always check with your physician.
Heat infused from fresh ingredients, a specialized formula, it is very strong. A small amount goes a long way. If teated respectfully, salve can last for over a year. (Salve Health: keep clean, don't use your fingers in the jar and keep in a cool dark place)
Recommended for: fungal infections, athletes foot.
Organic Oils infused with:
- Black Spruce
- Plantain
- Wormwood
- Wild Geranium
- Pumpkin Seed Oils
- Wild Chamomile
- Black Spruce Pitch
Organic Shea Butter, Organic Bees Wax and Vitamin E